105- Real-Time Development of a High Resolution Navigation Receiver for an Industrial Application

RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE CANDIDATE: The main objective of the professional of research project is to ensure the validity of the theoretical results issued from the work of the post-doc research, the PhD and Master’s students and their applicability in real-time on the GEDEX navigation platform. He will be very active into the real-time aspects and he will be the “bridge” between the theoretical and the practical aspects of the project. The professional of research will be the link who will assure the good timing and the cohesion of the 2 main research parts considered into the project: the theoretical/simulation part and the real-time one. He will be very active in every step of the project, especially in ensuring a good transfer of the simulation achievements in real-time taking into account the electronic interface with our industrial partners. He will participate to the main theoretical developments and all post-processing raw data and analysis of the results. He will give ideas and work on the improvement of the simulation aspects in order to improve the real-time performances. The objective of the research project of the professional of research is mainly relied to the link between the theoretical aspects developed by the post-doctoral researcher, doctoral and Master’s Degree students and the practical part (real-time implementation) of the project.
