Research Project Offers

TitleIdeal durationType of trainee
147- Permanent Navigation and Surveillance for Autonomous Airborne and Ground Vehicles (NESIVA)4 -12 – 24 and 36 monthsResearch professionnal, Post doctorate, Doctorate, Premier Cycle, Master, Foreign trainee
146 – Système robuste de réalité virtuelle augmentée à un habit de capture inertielle du mouvement4-6 monthsForeign trainee, Trainee S3, Trainee S2
145 – GNSS Avionic Software Defined Radio Development1-2 yearsMaster
144 – IMU/GPS Hybrid Data Monitoring via the Iridium Next Network for Flight Quality Analysis4-6 monthsForeign trainee, Trainee S3, Trainee S2
143 – Inclusive RFI Detection Module Development for Congested Radio Spectrum1-2 yearsMaster
142 – RFI Geolocation Measurements for Multi-Wireless Systems1-2 yearsMaster
141 – Inmarsat Satellite Aero Signal Decoding for Trajectory Path Recovery During Emergency4-6 monthsForeign trainee, Trainee S3, Trainee S2
140 – Dual L-Band Iridium/Inmarsat Interferences under Helicopter’s Rotor Blade Effect1-2 yearMaster
139 – Real-Time DVB S2 Tx/Rx SDR Modems for SatCom Anti-Jamming4-6 monthsForeign trainee, Trainee S3, Trainee S2
138 – Development of a Software for the monitoring of IMU / GPS hybrid inertial unit data transmitted by Short Burst Data (SBD) protocol via the Iridium Next network for the analysis of helicopter parameters and flight quality4-6 monthsForeign trainee, Trainee S3, Trainee S2
137 – Flight IMU/GPS Data Transmission using SBD (Short Burst Data) protocol of the Iridium Next satellite network for the analysis and real-time monitoring of Helicopters’ Health and Usage Monitoring System4-6 monthsForeign trainee, Trainee S3, Trainee S2
136- Système de classification de signaux RF par réseaux de neurones convolutifs4-6 monthsForeign trainee, Trainee S3, Trainee S2
135- Integration of DME and Transponder Mode-S functionalities into a 6 DOF Flight Simulator for Test Bench Environments5 monthsForeign trainee, Trainee S3
134- Digital Down Converter Implementation on FPGA for Universal DRFS Avionics Front-End5 monthsForeign trainee, Trainee S3
133- Post flight test analysis, automatic report generation and next mission plan5 monthsForeign trainee, Trainee S3
132- Integration of DME / ADS-B / TMS software defined avionics in a Python control application5 monthsForeign trainee, Trainee S3
131- Design and implementation of a low-cost spectrum monitoring device5 monthsForeign trainee, Trainee S3
130- Design and SDR implementation of an aircraft ACARS unit5 monthsForeign trainee, Trainee S3
129- Improvement of a Universal Glass Cockpit (common avionics interface) for iPad5 monthsForeign trainee, Trainee S3
128- Implementation of a 2nd generation multi-mode avionics front-end5 monthsForeign trainee, Trainee S3
127- Design of an integrated DME/DME/INS navigation system as GNSS backup in aeronautical applications5 monthsForeign trainee, Trainee S3
126- Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) Mitigation Techniques for Satellites and its Applications3 annéesDoctorate
125- Design of a Robust High Precision Algorithm to improve GPS/Galiléo Navigation PVA (Position, Velocity, Acceleration) Precision3 yearsDoctorate
124- Mise en oeuvre en temps réel d’un simulateur de signaux hybride GPS – Galiléo1 yearMaster
123- L1 and L5 SBAS Signals Generation in VHDL – Implementation in a FPGA6 monthsPremier Cycle, Foreign trainee, Trainee S3
122- VHDL Coding of SBAS Navigation Message and Implementation in a FPGA6 monthsForeign trainee, Trainee S3
121- Hybrid GNSS Signals in Presence of Multipath6 monthsForeign trainee, Trainee S3
120- Robustness Analysis of Hybrid GNSS Signals in Presence of Atmospheric Perturbations6 monthsForeign trainee, Trainee S3
119- GNSS Hybrid Receiver Antenna Modeling6 monthsPremier Cycle, Foreign trainee, Trainee S3
118- Clock Stability Analysis – Influence on Performances of a Hybrid GNSS Signal Generator6 monthsPremier Cycle, Foreign trainee, Trainee S3
117- Design of a High Resolution Numerical Controlled Oscillator6 monthsPremier Cycle, Foreign trainee, Trainee S3
116- Design, Analysis and Validation of a RF section4 yearsResearch professionnal
115- Design, Analysis and Validation of a GNSS Signal Simulator in Real-Time4 yearsResearch professionnal
114- Interference Signal Generator for a RF GNSS Simulator1 yearMaster
113- Design and Analysis of Hybrid Satellite Constellation Perturbations – Simulation and Real-Time Implementation1 yearMaster
112- Analysis of Clock Stability Influence on the Signal Generation Performances1 yearMaster
111- Hybrid GPS/Galileo IF Signal Generator – Simulation and Real-Time Implementation1 yearMaster
110- Hybrid GNSS Satellite Constellation and Receiver Trajectory Generator – Simulation and Real-Time Implementation1 yearMaster
109- New Paradigms in Real-Time Implementation of a GNSS Signal Simulator4 yearsDoctorate
108- Design and Analysis of a Hybrid GNSS IF/RF Signal Simulator4 yearsPost doctorate
107- Real-Time Implementation of Digital Signal Processing Design on the GEDEX Navigation Platform6 monthsForeign trainee, Trainee S3
106- Real-Time RTK GPS Solutions in Flight Test Configuration and Simulation in Matlab/Simulink of Flight Navigation Improvement using Real Data Measurements6 monthsTrainee S3
105- Real-Time Development of a High Resolution Navigation Receiver for an Industrial Application3 yearsResearch professionnal
104- Robustness and Precision Improvement of the HRNav System using Hybrid GPS/Galileo and GPS Modernized Receiver1 yearMaster
103- Global Navigation Platform Precision Improvement by Integration of Secondary Sensors – Robustness Analysis1 yearMaster
102- Navigation Platform Architecture and Flight Dynamics Integration in a Matlab/Simulink Navigation Model of a Complete Navigation Platform Using an Adapted Kalman Filter – Robustness Analysis6 monthsResearch professionnal
101- Digital Signal Processing Improvement by Real-Time Implementation on the GEDEX Navigation Platform: Comparison between Simulation and Real-Time Performances1 yearMaster
100- Frequency Errors Distribution Analysis with Stand-Alone DGPS and RTK Receiver in Static and Dynamic Environments – Matlab/Simulink Implementation and Real-Time Validation Tests1 yearMaster
99- Optimal Approach for the Minimization of the Errors in the Navigation Solutions for Stand-Alone DGPS and RTK Receivers, Based on Kalman Filtering – Matlab/Simulink Development1 yearMaster
98- Design of a Robust High Precision Algorithm to improve GPS Navigation PVA (Position, Velocity, Acceleration) Precision3 yearsDoctorate
97- New Architecture Design and Robustness Analysis of a High Resolution Navigation Receiver3 yearsPost doctorate
96- Intégration d’un récepteur GPS à un SNI6 monthsPremier Cycle, Foreign trainee, Trainee S3
95- Technologies pour la sécurisation optimale d’applications de paiement électronique6 monthsPremier Cycle, Foreign trainee, Trainee S3
Développement d’une application de porte-feuille électronique sur un IPAQ 54506 monthsPremier Cycle, Foreign trainee
Développement d’un Site Web Sécurisé pour le Laboratoire 3DÉTSNAV du LACIME6 monthsPremier Cycle, Foreign trainee
92- Filtre anti-brouilleur FADP pour récepteurs GPS et cellulaires CDMA6 monthsPremier Cycle, Foreign trainee
91- Conception d’une interface graphique (GUI) sur Internet pour un SDN (Software Defined Navigator) (2 stagiaires)6 monthsPremier Cycle, Foreign trainee
90- Performances d’une modulation BOC pour les récepteurs GALILÉO6 monthsPremier Cycle, Foreign trainee, Trainee S3
89- Système de localisation RF à courte distance (détermination du cap et de la distance)6 monthsPremier Cycle, Foreign trainee, Trainee S3
88- Réalisation temps réel d’un Software Defined Navigator6 monthsPremier Cycle, Foreign trainee, Trainee S3
87- Mise en œuvre FPGA d’une plateforme MEMS à base d’accéléromètres et de gyroscopes « Smart Sensing Architecture »6 monthsPremier Cycle, Foreign trainee, Trainee S3
86- Simulation d’un récepteur hybride GPS/GALILÉO sur Matlab-Simulink6 monthsAucun, Foreign trainee, Trainee S3
85- Conception sur Matlab-Simulink d’un récepteur de navigation GLONASS/Bluetooth6 monthsAucun, Foreign trainee, Trainee S3
84- Utilisation d’une aide de vitesse pour les récepteurs GALILÉO6 monthsAucun, Foreign trainee, Trainee S3
83- Système de navigation sans fil RF à l’intérieur des bâtiments avec IEEE 802.11 (Système Wireless Fidelity : Wifi) (1 ou 2 stagiaires)6 monthsPremier Cycle, Foreign trainee, Trainee S3
82- Phase d’acquisition du signal du système européren de navigation Galiléo6 monthsAucun, Foreign trainee, Trainee S3
81- Module de démodulation des données de navigation du système européren de navigation Galiléo6 monthsAucun, Foreign trainee, Trainee S3
80- Mise en oeuvre en temps réel d’un récepteur de navigation Galiléo6 monthsAucun, Foreign trainee, Trainee S3
79- Étude d’une centrale inertielle électronique à base de MEMS6 monthsAucun, Foreign trainee, Trainee S3
78- Contrôle d’un robot à l’aide du logiciel SVGNav (projet WINS)6 monthsForeign trainee, Trainee S3
77- Développement d’un système de navigation virtuelle via le web6 monthsForeign trainee, Trainee S3
76- Réalisation temps réel de simulation provenant de Matlab Simulink4 monthsPremier Cycle, Foreign trainee, Trainee S3
75- Mise en oeuvre d’un porte-monnaie électronique basé sur la technologie Bluetooth6 monthsPremier Cycle, Foreign trainee, Trainee S3
74- Conception d’une tête RF pour les systèmes GNSS (GPS, Glonass, Galileo)6 monthsForeign trainee, Trainee S3
73- Développement d’un protocole de communication entre un iPad d’Apple et une unité de mesures inertielles via un port USB et lien WiFi6 monthsPremier Cycle
72- Développement d’un tableau de bord logiciel sur iPad pour la navigation aérienne6 monthsPremier Cycle
71- Conception d’un module d’acquisition GPS par FFT6 monthsPremier Cycle
70- Conception d’une solution de navigation à l’aide des signaux GLONASS6 monthsPremier Cycle
69- Conception d’un décodeur de Viterbi multi-entrée6 monthsPremier Cycle
68- Algorithme de sélection de signaux de navigation satellitaire pour un canal universel6 monthsPremier Cycle
67- Compass Receiver0Doctorate, Master
66- Systems engineering and hardware design for a Software Defined Avionic (SDA) element4 yearsResearch professionnal
65- Novel Architectures for highly reconfigurable and interoperable software defined avionic using interference mitigation techniques1 yearPost doctorate
64- Design of Robust Baseband Modules to Demodulate the Down-converted Signal.3 yearsDoctorate
63- New architecture for Direct RF ADC/DAC for integrated Avionics3 yearsDoctorate
62- Integration of a DRFS Low-Power ADC architecture in a single chip3 yearsDoctorate
61- Optimal Approach for DME BaseBand module using Matlab Development2 yearsMaster
60- A Software Defined Radio Version of a SDA based ATC Transponder Implementation, and Test Results2 yearsMaster
59- A Software Defined Radio Version Wideband Radio (WBR): Comparison between hardware version and Real-Time Performance in software2 yearsMaster
58- A Software Defined Radio Version of an SDA based ADS-B Surveillance System Implementation and Test Evaluation2 yearsMaster
57- A Software Defined Avionic Radio Suite: Module Description, Testing, Interoperability Considerations, integration, and Flight Test Results.2 yearsMaster
56- A Generic RF Direct Sampling Downconverter for the 900 to 1100 MHz Aviation Band Test Results2 yearsMaster
55- Sofware Defined DME: Bench and Flight Test Results4 monthsTrainee S3
54- Sofware Defined Transponder: Bench and Flight Test Results4 monthsTrainee S3
Digital Signal Processing Design Improvements on the Software Defined Radio Version of the Fully Integrated DME, Transponder, and wideband radio.4 monthschoix9
51- CONCEPTION D’UN SYSTÈME AVIONIQUE DME4 monthsPremier Cycle, Foreign trainee, Trainee S3
50- CONCEPTION D’UN SYSTÈME AVIONIQUE TRANSPONDER MODE S4 monthsPremier Cycle, Foreign trainee, Trainee S3
49- CONCEPTION D’UN SYSTÈME AVIONIQUE ADS-B4 monthsPremier Cycle, Foreign trainee, Trainee S3
48- CONCEPTION D’UNE RADIO LARGE BAND DANS UNE GNU RADIO DE TYPE USRP24 monthsPremier Cycle, Foreign trainee, Trainee S3
47- Développement d’un site web sécurisé et dynamique pour le nouveau laboratoire LASSENA4 monthsPremier Cycle, Foreign trainee
46- Conception d’un présentoir d’information Powerpoint embarqué et intelligent commandé par gestuelle Kinect4 monthsPremier Cycle, Foreign trainee, Trainee S3
45- Algorithms and methods to increase the robustness and precision of an Attitude Determination System (ADS) using low cost MEMS sensors.3 yearsDoctorate
44- Development and performance analysis of an Attitude Determination System using low cost MEMS sensors based on high level of redundant low cost MEMS sensors2 yearsMaster
43- Algorithms and methods to increase the robustness and precision of an Attitude Determination System using multi-antennas GNSS Receiver3 yearsDoctorate
42- Novel Architectures for High Sensitivity Indoor GNSS Receiver using Cognitive Techniques3 yearsDoctorate
41- Implementation of High Sensitivity Technniques in Multi-Antenna GNSS Receiver2 yearsResearch professionnal
40- Robust Techniques for Low Cost MEMS Augmented Multi-Antenna Cognitive GNSS Receiver3 yearsDoctorate
39- Benefits of Inertial Attitude Determination using Low Cost MEMS Sensors in a GNSS Receiver2 yearsResearch professionnal
38- Embedded systems engineering and hardware design for a low-cost integrated navigation system4 yearsResearch professionnal
37- Novel integrated navigation system for automotive vehicle fleet management and accident analysis based on the use of non-linear models and inovative analysis metrics2 yearsPost doctorate
36- Realization of a robust low-cost integrated navigation system based on advanced non-linear estimation techniques for automotive applications in harsh environment3 yearsDoctorate
35- Novel metrics for real-time monitoring of driving behaviour and diagnosis of car accidents3 yearsDoctorate
34- Development of a temperature dependant model for calibration of very low-cost inertial sensors2 yearsMaster
33- Development of a temperature dependant model for calibration of very low-cost inertial sensors2 yearsMaster
32- Development of a linearized multi-sensor integrated navigation system for robust automotive navigation in harsh environment2 yearsMaster
31- Development of a complete simulation platform for integrated navigation and car accident dynamics2 yearsMaster
30- Study of vehicle data networks and their integration with a navigation algorithm and/or analysis metrics2 yearsMaster
29- Study of dangerous driving behaviors based on inertial measurements and development of analysis metrics2 yearsMaster
28- Implementation of assistance methods for overall robustness improvement of a very low-cost GNSS receiver in urban environment2 yearsMaster
27- Study of advanced non-linear estimation techniques for automotive integrated navigation system2 yearsMaster
26- Study of car accident scenarios and their characterization in terms of inertial measurement2 yearsMaster
25- Development of an adaptive sensor fusion scheme for integrated automotive navigation based on neural networks2 yearsMaster
24- Development of a complete software test bench for integrated navigation system simulation and validation and for car crash reconstruction2 yearsMaster
23- Preliminary dangerous driving behavior analysis4 monthsPremier Cycle
22- Preliminary car crash dynamics analysis4 monthsPremier Cycle
21- Sensor calibration using rate table and temperature chamber4 monthsPremier Cycle
20- Test and validation of a magnetometer-based attitude determination system for car navigation4 monthsPremier Cycle
19- Test and validation of an integrated navigation system based on linearized models4 monthsPremier Cycle
18- Test and validation of A-GNSS algorithms in urban environment4 monthsPremier Cycle
17- Orchid VTADS prototype implementation and physical robustness evaluation4 monthsPremier Cycle
16- Test and validation of advanced non-linear navigation models4 monthsPremier Cycle
15- Car crash testing and preliminary results of accident analysis metrics4 monthsPremier Cycle
14- Driving behaviour metrics validation4 monthsPremier Cycle
13- Car crash testing and accident analysis metrics validation4 monthsPremier Cycle
12- Fleet vehicle monitoring system validation4 moisPremier Cycle
11- Novel Architectures for High Sensitivity Indoor GNSS Receiver using Cognitive Techniques3 yearsDoctorate
10- Implementation of High Sensitivity Technniques in Multi-Antenna GNSS Receiver2 yearsMaster
9- Robust Techniques for Low Cost MEMS Augmented Multi-Antenna Cognitive GNSS Receiver3 yearsDoctorate
8- Benefits of Inertial Attitude Determination using Low Cost MEMS Sensors in a GNSS Receiver2 yearsMaster
7- Performance analysis of new embedded techniques for GNSS receiver indoor navigation2 yearsMaster
6- Développement d’un ILS dans une radio logicielle de type USRP4 monthForeign trainee, Trainee S3
5- Développement d’un VOR dans une radio logicielle de type USRP4 monthForeign trainee, Trainee S3
4- Conception d’un Time Line web dynamique à partir de la base de données du Laboratoire LASSENA4 monthForeign trainee, Trainee S3
3- Conception d’un rapport annuel dynamique des réalisations du Laboratoire LASSENA4 monthForeign trainee, Trainee S3
2- Conception d’un simulateur d’analyse automatique de comportement et de collision de véhicule5 monthForeign trainee, Trainee S3
1- Mission automatisée de maintenance aéroportée à l’aide de drones en formation5 monthForeign trainee, Trainee S3
