110- Hybrid GNSS Satellite Constellation and Receiver Trajectory Generator – Simulation and Real-Time Implementation

RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE CANDIDATE : The general objective of this Master’s research project is, first of all, to develop a hybrid GPS/Galileo satellite constellation. An important part of the work deals with the simulation and the validation, but also the real time implementation. The developed algorithms will be entirely implemented in Matlab/Simulink in order to compare and evaluate the achieved performances. Performances obtained in real time will be analyzed and compared to those obtained in simulation. A second part of the research subject is the development of a receiver trajectory simulator by using a trajectory simulator. First, the simulator will be implemented in simulation. The next step is the implementation in real time and the comparison of the performances obtained with those obtained in simulation. The main goal of the project is to give a thorough insight of the hybrid GPS/Galileo satellite constellation generation and of the receiver trajectory generation. This 12 month Master’s Degree research project will start with a meticulous analysis of GPS/Galileo satellite constellation generation (using for example ephemeris data) and will be followed by a bibliographical study of the existing approaches so as to understand what improvements could be taken into account. The Master’s student will be supervised and will work with the postdoctoral researcher and will have regular meetings with the professor in charge of the project. He will collaborate with the other Master’s student who will study more in details the real-time aspects and validation of the algorithms.
