122- VHDL Coding of SBAS Navigation Message and Implementation in a FPGA

RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE CANDIDATE : The main objective of this 6 month internship will be to implement in VHDL the generation of the SBAS navigation message for the hybrid GNSS signal simulator. The work will start with a study of the various GPS/Galileo signals as well as of the SBAS system. The generation message will be designed and coded in VHDL. Next, it will be implemented in a FPGA. Few tests will be conducted and the generation procedure will be validated. Comparisons of the performances obtained in simulation and in real time will also be performed. SBAS navigation message will be generated for the L1 and L5 frequencies. The intern student will also support the other members of the research team by means of real-time experiments or whenever his help would be needed. He will also work on data formatting necessary for signal processing and for a better coherence between simulation and real-time tests.
