132- Integration of DME / ADS-B / TMS software defined avionics in a Python control application

In this project, the student will develop a Python application and GUI (QT) to be run at state of the art Software Defined Radio platforms (http://nutaq.com/en/sdr-comparison-chart) to provide control for the already functional avionics systems developed at LASSENA (DME, ADS­B and TMS) making use of GNU Radio (http://gnuradio.org/). The student will also migrate the current real-time communication protocol based on Ethernet to one based on PCI-express in a Linux OS environment to improve the overall performance of the system. The student will take part as well in the integration testing of the entire functional system and will explore potential runtime reconfigurability options that the developed architecture allows.

Skills required:

  • Basic knowledge of Python and/or QT is desirable).
  • Familiarity with Linux Os and kernel modding/re-compiling experience is desirable).
