144 – IMU/GPS Hybrid Data Monitoring via the Iridium Next Network for Flight Quality Analysis

The objective of the project is to develop a software platform for analyzing flight data in real time, by programming a Glace Cockpit type graphical interface with cartography(NavMaps), Artificial Horizon, visualization of raw inertial data (angular velocities, linear accelerations), GPS data, satellite coverage, flight altitude, flight attitude, etc. The visualization will be done after the reception of the data of the inertial units (gyroscopes and accelerometers) and the GPS transmitted via the SBD iridium protocol in direct IP towards a platform ground installed on a station with fixed IP address. The software platform once developed will be used to generate flight histories, flight quality estimation; risk assessment based on vibration rates, predictions of breakdowns, etc. and will also allow flight schools to use them as an evaluation of the Pilot students. Once completed, the system will be tested during real flights and will serve as a basis for the development of a certified HUMS platform with full flight data analysis such as FDMS Flight Data Monitoring System and S-FDR (Streaming -Flight Data Recorder).
