56- A Generic RF Direct Sampling Downconverter for the 900 to 1100 MHz Aviation Band Test Results

According to the schedule, the 6th master’s student will be in charge of the following tasks :

1) 3-41 Study and demonstratation (or seek waiver) of DRFS FCC/IC Compliance
2) 3-42 Unit level bench test and integration in laboratory environments and analysis
3) 3-43 Study and report on DRFS RFU and suggest solutions
4) 3-51 Analysis of the DRFS RFU module integration

The general objective of this Master’s research project is to implement a generic RF down and up converter. The intention is to create a direct sampling converter that is able to be controlled in bandwidth, and frequency selection. The bandwidth limits are to be from 100 KHz to 8 MHz (some leniency is permissible, provided the equipment will work). The first goal is the conceptualization, design, integration of the frequency converter and baseband aspects required of the experimental transceiver. A second goal will be the integration of one of the SDA modules with the rest of the frequency converter. This is initially to be bench tested and ultimately to be flight tested. This student will work in tight collaboration with PhD #2 working on: “New architecture for Direct RF ADC/DAC for integrated Avionics”.
