97- New Architecture Design and Robustness Analysis of a High Resolution Navigation Receiver

RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE CANDIDATE: The main objective of the post-doctoral researcher is to ensure that the theoretical developments done by the research team will lead to the final goal: a new architecture design of a high resolution navigation receiver. He should work on the most important theoretical subjects of the project, from the initial design of an adapted Kalman filter to minimize measurement errors (position, velocity and acceleration), to the final robustness and reliability tests done on the final GEDEX navigation platform. One of the tasks of the post-doctoral researcher is to ensure, together with the professor conducting the research project that the research subjects proposed during the 3 years advance on the good way at the good rate. He should also support the research team members during their research activities, guide and supervise their research work. He should always have a general view of the global project and mainly on the progress in the theoretical field. He will know about the work of the trainee, Master’s and PhD students in the theoretical field. During the first year, the post-doctoral researcher will start his research work with a thorough overview of GEDEX navigation requirements and goals and with a detailed literature review, a theoretical background about the GPS errors and algorithms for error reduction. He will be actively involved in the design of an adapted Kalman filter to minimize velocity and acceleration errors and he will participate to the post-processing raw data recorded during flight test and the corresponding analysis. He will work also on the simulation of the flight navigation improvement using the Simulink model and the real data. During the second year, the post-doctoral researcher will be involved in the development of the architecture of an improved navigation platform and, particularly, into the simulation on Matlab/Simulink of the entire GEDEX navigation configuration. During this period, he will work very close with the PhD student on these research subjects. He will participate also to the post-processing raw data recorded during the flight tests. In the last year, the post-doctoral research will focus mainly on the robustness aspects and on the improvement that could be done in order to obtain a higher reliability of the GEDEX navigation platform, using secondary measurement sensors.
