99- Optimal Approach for the Minimization of the Errors in the Navigation Solutions for Stand-Alone DGPS and RTK Receivers, Based on Kalman Filtering – Matlab/Simulink Development

RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE CANDIDATE: The general objective of this Master’s research project is, first of all, to develop optimal algorithms based on Kalman filtering in order to achieve the minimization of the measurement errors (position, velocity and acceleration) in the case of the stand-alone DGPS and RTK receivers. The developed algorithms will be entirely implemented in Matlab/Simulink in order to compare and evaluate the achieved performances. The main goal of the project is to give a thorough insight into Kalman filtering algorithms used in GPS receivers and to propose new optimal ones, which will allow the minimization of the errors. This 12 months Master’s Degree research project will start with a meticulous analysis of GPS errors in time and frequency domains. A bibliographical study of the existing algorithms for error minimization will be also required, in order to understand what improvements could be taken into account.
