114- Interference Signal Generator for a RF GNSS Simulator

RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE CANDIDATE : The main objective of this Master’s research project is to develop interference/jamming signal generator for the GNSS signal simulator. The work will start with a bibliographical study of the interference/jamming signals and of the implementation methods presented in the literature. An analysis of the signals presented in the literature will be done. Several types of interference/jamming signals will be considered, such as Continuous Wave Interference (CWI), Pulsed Wave Interference (PWI), chirp, pulse, Amplitude Modulated (AM) and Frequency Modulated (FM) signals. Other models will also be considered. An exhaustive analysis on the influence of all these signals on the various hybrid GPS/Galileo signals will also be conducted. Robustness analysis of the GNSS signals in presence of interference/jamming signals will be also performed. An exhaustive analysis will be performed in simulation and in real time in order to assess the robustness of all these signals. The interference/jamming signal generator will be next coded in VHDL and implemented in real time in a FPGA. An analysis and tests will be performed in real time on the influence of these signals on the GNSS signals. Comparisons will be done between the results obtained in simulation and those obtained in real time. The Master’s student will be supervised and will work with the postdoctoral researcher and will regularly meet with the professor in charge of the project. He will collaborate with the other Master’s student who will study more in details the real-time aspects and validation of the algorithms.
