102- Navigation Platform Architecture and Flight Dynamics Integration in a Matlab/Simulink Navigation Model of a Complete Navigation Platform Using an Adapted Kalman Filter – Robustness Analysis

RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE CANDIDATE: The objective of this Master’s research project is to develop complete navigation platform architecture and to integrate flight dynamics into the navigation model of the platform. The final goal is to improve the model of the platform by a meticulous study of the performances obtained by using an adapted Kalman filter. An important part of this work is the design of trajectory scenarios, speed of the aircraft, perturbations, vibration of the navigation platform, the simulation of the acceleration gravity effects on the sensors, etc., and to simulate all inertial signals coming from MEMS sensors of the navigation platform according to the trajectory scenarios. The integration of flight dynamics in the Simulink navigation model will allow understanding the behavior of the navigation equipment and the global performances that could be achieved by using a new data fusion algorithm. This model will include a new adapted Kalman filter and digital signal processing improvements obtained and analyzed in the first and second years by Master’s Degree students. This is one good reason why the Master’s Degree student will work closely with the other Master’s Degree student. The design will be implemented in Matlab/Simulink and evaluation and validation tests will be performed. The main goal of this research project is to give a thorough insight into the environment characteristics and into the understanding of sensors characteristics, performances, noise robustness, etc. This 12 months Master’s Degree research project will start with a meticulous analyze of the existing digital signal processing algorithms, with an emphasis on the simulation performances. Bibliographical studies of the GEDEX navigation platform and of the specific real-time implementation procedures are required.
