106- Real-Time RTK GPS Solutions in Flight Test Configuration and Simulation in Matlab/Simulink of Flight Navigation Improvement using Real Data Measurements

RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE CANDIDATE: The main objective of this professional training is to study thoroughly the aspects related to real-time GPS signal measurements acquired in flight test configuration. The trainee student should do a bibliographical study on GPS data solution errors as function of the environment-type characteristics (e.g. multipath, interference, latitude, etc.), of the dynamics considered and their influence on DGPS and RTK GPS receiver performances. Solutions existing in the literature will also be studied. The student should be able to propose a real-time signal measurement acquisition setup in flight test configuration. Once the setup is established and validated, the real-time data is acquired and post-processing raw data is completed, he will use and test the real time data in simulation (Matlab/Simulink), in order to estimate the flight navigation improvement.
