131- Design and implementation of a low-cost spectrum monitoring device

In this project the student will learn how to program state-of-the-art Software Defined Radios (SDR). Using this knowledge, the student will develop a device able to scan a programmable portion of the spectrum and detect existing signals. The output of the device will comprise basic parameters of detected signals such as central frequency, bandwidth, and peak power. The device could also be tuned to a fixed frequency in order to monitor a specific signal. The student will learn how to automatically adjust the device’s sensitivity as a function of the false alarm rate and the spectrum scanning speed. The student will put special emphasis in the optimization of the scanning period. This device could be used in many different applications: onboard aircrafts, in cinemas/theaters/concert halls, in hospitals/airports hosting sensitive-to-EMI equipment, for localization of illegal emitters such as pirate radios or GPS jammers, EW-SDR surveillance, etc.
