June 3, 2014List of books Advanced High-Frequency Radio Communications Presenting a description of automated HF communications, this work also considers the many phenomena which affect HF radio, and offers insight into […]
June 3, 2014List of books Advanced electronic Communications Systems Comprehensive in scope and contemporary in coverage, this book extends and updates the knowledge of the reader to the most modern topics […]
June 3, 2014List of books A software-Defined GPS and Galileo Receiver his book and accompanying DVD explore the use of new technologies in the area of satellite navigation receivers. In order to construct […]
June 3, 2014List of books A positioning system Galileo: strategic, scientific and technical stakes The original version of this document was produced by France’s Académie de Marine, Bureau des Longitudes and Académie Nationale de l’Air et […]
June 3, 2014List of books 802.11 et les réseaux sans fil 802.11 à la conquête des réseaux locaux et futur concurrent d’UMTS ? L’événement de l’année 2002 dans le domaine des réseaux et […]